
    Energy Power Systems (EYPSF-OTC) - skyrocket in the next 90 days!!? - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 05.10.01 15:20:26 von
    neuester Beitrag 27.06.02 22:40:44 von
    Beiträge: 68
    ID: 483.491
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    Gesamt: 1.450
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 05.10.01 15:20:26
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Hallo !

      Und hier der Name des Investments – welches ich euch gestern schon gegen 16 UHR versprochen hatte :D
      Es handelt sich um:

      Energy Power Systems (EYPSF-OTCBB) - skyrocket in the next 90 days!!?

      The company is well positioned to emerge as a leader providing barge-mounted power plants to India and other developing nations. Already, the Company, through its related India Special Purpose Companies, has secured potentially lucrative contracts to supply 410 megawatts of electrical energy to two separate State Electricity Boards in India. The Company plans to successfully implement the Andhra Pradesh Project and the Karnataka Project and build momentum by developing other independent power projects. For example, the Company is currently developing potential IPP projects in other Indian states, as well as in Bangladesh and Turkey.

      Energy Power Systems Ltd. is an integrated Independent Power Project Developer, an Oil & Gas Exploration and Development Company and a Contractor of Infrastructure Projects. For the 9 months ended 3/31/01, sales rose 9% to C$15.2M. Net loss from cont`d ops. fell 73% to C$529K. Revenues reflect increased engineering and oil/gas sales. Lower loss also reflects decreased interest and administrative expenses.

      Share Related Items
      Mkt. Cap. (Mil) $ 14.20
      Shares Out (Mil) 5.16
      Float (Mil) 4.50

      *- prequalified for a senior listing on Amex
      *- being aggressively pursued by institutional buyers
      *- triple-digit expansion of net tangible assets during trailing 12 month period
      *- new drilling technology that will turn its properties into profit powerhouses
      *- stock price at massive discount compared to industry average
      *- currently owns oil and gas properties in rich and proven oil and gas reserve areas
      *- in the acquisition cross-hairs of major oil industry titans

      weitere Fakten:

      *- sales of $18 million...and going higher
      *- pending Amex listing...a transition to a senior listing
      *- active producing wells...with proven reserves
      *- over $7.5 million in orders...and more on the way
      *- 50% revenue increase forecast for coming fiscal year

      Hier etwas über das Unternehmen:

      Energy Power Systems Limited (EPS) (OTC BB: EYPSF) (CDNX: YPS) is an integrated
      energy source & service company taking advantage of the current upward trends in
      this critical sector. Investors, governments and industry are increasingly
      looking at oil and gas as an integral part of a financial plan. Some money
      managers are focussing on oil & gas service companies that profit from building
      and maintaining the huge production infrastructures, rather than just oil & gas
      producers whose profits fluctuate with the price of oil. With growing cash flow
      from its Oil & Gas Division and ongoing revenues from its Engineering & Offshore
      Division Energy Power is positioned to perform throughout the energy cycle.

      Certain of the statements contained in this news release are forward-looking
      statements. While these statements reflect the Corporation`s current beliefs,
      they are subject to uncertainties and risks that could cause actual results to
      differ materially. These factors include, but are not limited to, the demand for
      the Corporation`s products and services, economic and competitive conditions,
      access to borrowed or equity capital on favourable terms, and other risks
      detailed in the Corporation`s Form 20-F and Annual Report.

      Dieses Investment dient nicht als ZOCK und ist auch nicht als ein solcher geeignet!
      Ich werde investieren – und mindestens 90 TAGE halten!
      Als vorläufiges Kursziel gebe ich 5.50 $ an und ich denke, dass ist noch sehr konservativ – aber wir werden sehen!

      Übersicht der letzten News:

      9/21/2001 - 6:47:00 AM ENERGY POWER SYSTEMS LTD - Short Positions on 2001/09/15 186,091 -50,909 5.00
      9/11/2001 - 5:45:00 AM ENERGY POWER SYSTEMS LTD - Short Positions on 2001/08/31 237,000 106,100 4.60
      8/22/2001 - 7:23:00 AM ENERGY POWER SYSTEMS LTD - Short Positions on 2001/08/15 130,900 0 3.50
      8/13/2001 - 5:50:00 PM ENERGY POWER SYSTEMS LTD.: RALLY ENERGY CORP - Property-Asset Acquisition
      8/13/2001 - 5:49:00 PM ENERGY POWER SYSTEMS LTD.: RALLY ENERGY CORP - Property-Asset Acquisition
      8/8/2001 - 7:07:00 AM ENERGY POWER SYSTEMS LTD - Short Positions on 2001/07/31 130,900 4,500 3.75
      8/7/2001 - 3:21:00 PM ENERGY POWER SYSTEMS - Acquires Additional Interest In Sibbald Area, Alberta
      8/7/2001 - 2:30:00 PM Energy Power Systems Acquires Additional Interest In Sibbald Area, Alberta
      8/7/2001 - 7:10:00 AM ENERGY POWER SYSTEMS LIMITED - To Lead Investor Relations Effort
      7/27/2001 - 7:43:00 AM ENERGY POWER SYSTEMS LIMITED - Elects to Write Down Certain Other Assets Relating to its India - Power Projects under Development

      Hier zum Abschluss noch einige Daten :

      President, Director and Chief Executive Officer:

      Mr. Cassina is the progenitor of the Company and had the vision to leverage the business of M&M, a company with 30 years experience in infrastructure projects in Atlantic Canada, to expand into independent power project development in India, and create and oil and gas exploration and development division all under the corporate holdings of EPS.

      Energy Power Systems Ltd.
      2 Adelaide Street West
      Toronto, M5H 1L6,
      Phone: (416) 861-1484
      Fax: (416) 364-0618
      Sector: Capital Goods
      Industry: Construction Services
      Employees: 103 (06/30/2000)
      Market Cap (Mil) $ : 14.20

      Ich muss sagen die PAGE ist sehr goil gemacht eine der BESTEN websites die ich seit langem gesehen habe dort findet ihr weitere Informationen!!

      Greetz c0dex
      schrieb am 05.10.01 15:23:06
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      bid 3,20
      ask 3,21

      last: 2,7

      schrieb am 05.10.01 15:23:33
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      kann es sein, daß wir den gleichen newsletter beziehen :laugh: der, der diesen stock gestern schon angkündigt hat :laugh:

      auf jeden fall ein muß auf der watchlist :)

      schrieb am 05.10.01 15:25:32
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      hehe clyde - kann sein :D

      in deutschland wird der wert auch gehandelt:
      WKN/Local ID 919384
      Symbol EPW.FSE
      aber handelsvolumen = 0 :(
      schrieb am 05.10.01 15:29:48
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      hey clyde

      habe mich schon den ganzen tag mit diesem unternehmen befast und bin stark beeindruckt - genau wie von der webpage - die ich hiermit nochmals ganz deutlich hervorheben möchte:

      bid auf 3,31 HOCHGETAXT - wahnsinn


      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Hat East Africa bisher nur an der Oberfläche gekratzt?! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 05.10.01 15:33:47
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()

      Also im allgemeinen sind deine Empfehlungen bisher die reinsten Rohrkrepierer:

      - Kabel New Media
      - XOMA
      - Mologen


      und jetzt einen vom OTC.

      Oh , Oh
      schrieb am 05.10.01 15:38:31
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()

      - kabel new media habe ich nie empfohlen - habe ich bei 20 gekauft und bei 75 verkauft - das waren alte zeiten - und letztens habe ich probiert damit zu zocken - habe diese schrottfirma aber lediglich einige tage gehalten und dann rausgehaun!

      empfehle ich nach wie vor... :D

      habe ich bei 7 oder so empfholen und bin bei 15,4 EURO raus - bis dahin lange nicht mehr angefasst!

      als ob du meine empfhelungen beurteilen könntest - kenne dich garnicht - habe mit dir auch nie kontakt gepflegt!


      greetz c0dex
      schrieb am 05.10.01 15:38:50
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      ...nicht vorschnell urteilen1

      Der chart ist OK, das Unternehmen ist nicht schlecht1

      Bestrebungen an die AMEX zu gehen zahlen sich meist aus!

      Öl und Gas wird an der AMEX weit höher bewertet als an der OTCBB!

      Den newsletter erhielt ich auch!


      schrieb am 05.10.01 15:44:23
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Ich wollte eigentlich mit ein bisschen Spielgeld rein, jedoch kenn meine Sparkasse die WKN nicht. :(

      schrieb am 05.10.01 15:46:59
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Dann geben ihnen doch die WKN 919384

      Gruß spekulativ
      schrieb am 05.10.01 15:51:58
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Hab ich ja probiert. Konmmt nur ne Fehlermeldung, dass WKN unbekannt.

      schrieb am 05.10.01 15:55:05
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      schrieb am 05.10.01 15:56:43
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      dann weis ich im moment auch nicht weiter,eventuell direkt in den USA kaufen.

      Gruß spekulativ
      schrieb am 05.10.01 15:57:05
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      3,38$ TAGESHOCH + 25%
      schrieb am 05.10.01 15:59:36
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      grüß dich,in den USA sind sie ja schon 25% im plus,darum werde ich erstmal den wert im auge behalten.

      Gruß spekulativ
      schrieb am 05.10.01 16:00:20
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      wenn hier jemand erwägt zu kaufen,
      dann hat das sowieso nur in den USA
      sinn - denn in DEUTSCHLAND ist das
      handelsvolumen wie schon gesagt gleich 0...

      wenn man bei der US order die deutsche WKN eingibt müßte das eigentlich funktionieren - eine andere WKN wird ihr von der BANK nicht bekommen - außer diverse symbole
      nichteinmal die ISIN NUMMER ist verfügbar...

      greetz c0dex

      p.s. am besten kunde bei einer bank in AMILAND sein
      schrieb am 05.10.01 16:01:54
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      hey spekulativ

      jo fuer diesen wert sind sogar 2 augen zu wenig... :)
      schrieb am 05.10.01 16:02:08
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      das sieht doch richtig gut aus :)

      10:01:27 2000 3.4000 + OTCBB
      10:01:27 1000 3.4000 + OTCBB
      10:01:27 5000 3.4000 + OTCBB
      10:01:24 500 3.4000 + OTCBB
      10:01:21 1500 3.3900 - OTCBB
      10:01:21 500 3.4000 + OTCBB
      10:01:15 1000 3.3800 - OTCBB
      10:01:12 500 3.3900 - OTCBB
      10:01:12 500 3.3900 - OTCBB
      10:01:00 600 3.4000 + OTCBB
      10:00:42 2000 3.3900 + OTCBB
      10:00:30 300 3.3900 + OTCBB
      10:00:21 2000 3.3900 + OTCBB
      10:00:12 500 3.3900 + OTCBB
      09:59:30 600 3.3900 + OTCBB
      09:59:30 1000 3.3900 + OTCBB
      09:59:27 500 3.3900 + OTCBB
      09:59:27 200 3.3900 + OTCBB
      09:59:18 200 3.3900 + OTCBB
      09:59:00 2500 3.3800 + OTCBB
      09:59:00 6000 3.3800 + OTCBB
      09:58:48 1500 3.3800 + OTCBB
      09:58:48 1000 3.3700 - OTCBB
      09:58:39 300 3.3800 + OTCBB
      09:58:36 1000 3.3800 + OTCBB
      09:58:15 500 3.3800 + OTCBB
      09:58:12 2200 3.3500 - OTCBB
      09:57:51 4400 3.3500 - OTCBB
      09:57:39 500 3.3500 - OTCBB
      09:57:39 500 3.3700 + OTCBB
      09:57:36 500 3.3600 + OTCBB
      09:57:33 100 3.3500 - OTCBB
      09:57:33 100 3.3700 - OTCBB
      09:57:30 3000 3.3700 - OTCBB
      09:57:27 200 3.3700 - OTCBB
      09:57:24 100 3.3700 - OTCBB
      09:57:21 500 3.3800 + OTCBB
      09:57:15 2000 3.3500 - OTCBB
      09:57:06 1300 3.3800 + OTCBB
      09:57:03 2500 3.3800 OTCBB

      schrieb am 05.10.01 16:04:59
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      So muß erstmal wieder weg.

      Gruß spekulativ
      schrieb am 05.10.01 16:10:41
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      clyde post
      schrieb am 05.10.01 16:12:47
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      kurs schon auf 3,5$
      von tageshoch zu tageshoch!
      schrieb am 05.10.01 16:18:04
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      ...der Newsletter zeigt wirkung! Wenn sie den Kurs halten können sind sie ruck zuck an der Amex! dann tippe ich auf 6-8$

      schrieb am 05.10.01 16:22:10
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      wirklich hammerhart
      nun schon auf 3,75 $

      hat jemand gekauft?
      schrieb am 05.10.01 16:47:06
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      In D ist nun 1 TRADE zustande gekommen - kurs aktuell auf 3,8 € // bid 3,8 // ask 4,2
      hmm leider aber viel zu gering, um dort richtig handeln zu können...
      schrieb am 05.10.01 17:01:26
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Die scheinen genug mails verschickt zu haben das die Aktie steigt.

      schrieb am 05.10.01 17:20:05
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()

      naja vielleicht ist es ein verdammt großer push - aber ich habe mich mit der Firma schon ziemlich viel beschäftigt und eigentlich erscheint mir dieses unternehmen interessant.

      naja vielleicht kommen ja noch news, die den hype verstärken...

      greetz c0dex

      So nun werde ich einen kleinen WOCHENEND ausflug antreten - bin dann am Sonntag wieder da :D

      25% cash uebers WEEKEND
      schrieb am 05.10.01 17:39:35
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Dann wünsche ich dir viel Erfolg das die alten Höhen von 315 USD wieder erreicht werden.
      Ich bin jedenfalls immer vorsichtig wenn eine Aktie 99% von ihrem Wert verliert.
      Ne Verdoppelung ist immer drin und einem kleinem Zock bin ich nie abgeneigt. Aber man muß halt schnell wieder draußen sein.


      schrieb am 06.10.01 15:56:18
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Hi, Leute !

      Ich habe auch diesen E-Mail Brief bekommen. Dann hab ich hier im Board nach nem Thread gesucht, so gegen 13.30 Uhr gestern und noch nix gefunden.

      Aber heute: Siehe da !

      Hab übrigens in Frankfurt ne Miniposition gekauft, waren ja seit der deutschen Börseneinführung eh die ersten Umsätze. Kauf übrigens über einen Online-Broker, ging problemlos.

      Ich bin der Meinung, daß wir hier mal alle erhältlichen Infos zu der Firma einstellen sollten, soweit jemand etwas relativ aktuelles findet.

      Bis bald

      schrieb am 06.10.01 16:08:59
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Was bei solchen Tips rauskommt, bleibt immer abzuwarten. Auf jeden Fall kann das Ganze nicht 100%ig seriös sein, soll mir aber bei entsprechender Kursentwicklung wurst sein.
      Auf jeden Fall profitiert der E-Mail-Herausgeber davon, weil der ja weiss, das es genug Leute gibt die dann erst mal auf so `nen Tip hin kaufen. Der Verfasser hat sich natürlich davor schon eingedeckt.
      Da wird ein total marktenger Wert empfohlen, wo täglich mal ein paar 10.000 Stück den Besitzer wechseln und dann ver50facht sich das Handelsvolumen bei stark steigenden Kursen, vor allen Dingen, wo es aus Unternehmensseite nicht mal ne entsprechende Meldung gab, die den Kursaufschwung erklären könnte.

      Macht mir aber wie gesagt nix, hab nur absolutes Spielgeld drinne. Aber auf jeden Fall sollte man das in seinen Überlegungen auch berücksichtigen. Man schaue sich mal IQ Power Technology an.

      schrieb am 07.10.01 15:45:26
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      hey v.mac

      du hasd in frankfurt ein paar stücke geordert?
      hm da war aber verdammt wenig umsatz - was hasde den bezahlt -> 3,8€ ?
      naja musst du sehen - ob du da deine stücke zu einem angemessenen preis wieder verkauft bekommst - sollte der umsatz nicht zunehmen (freitag 740 stk.) - dann könnte das zu einem problem werden...

      naja :D

      greetz codex

      p.s. ich rechne aber am montag mit weiter steigenden kursen (in amiland) - aber wir werden sehen...der wert ist auf jeden fall sehr interessant :)
      schrieb am 08.10.01 00:40:08
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      @ [K].C

      ne, bei 3,80 war ich nicht dabei, der Umsatz waren denke ich 400 St. ich hab dann mit glatten 4 € gekauft, bleibt ja nicht mehr viele Stücke, da ja noch ein Kurs mit 4,10 zustande kam.
      Kannst ja mal schätzen, wieviele ich gekauft hab, wenns nur Extra-Spielgeld war(ist)

      Aber wenn die Umsätze in USA wieder zurückgehen und in Deutschland überhaupt nix mehr geht, wird eben in den USA verkauft. Kostet halt anstelle von 10 € dann 20€ Spesen.

      Bis bald und hoffentlich bricht morgen (heute) der Markt nicht wieder so weg wie am 11.9.01

      schrieb am 08.10.01 19:32:54
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      na, gegenüber des Schlusskurses in den USA am Freitag gehts ja wirklich leicht nach oben.

      Mal sehen, wie weit es noch geht und wie lange das Handelsvolumen noch so hoch ist.

      schrieb am 08.10.01 21:53:19
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      aber wer zahlt 1000$ per monat - um solch einen tipp zu kassieren - ?!
      schrieb am 09.10.01 12:58:11
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Die profitieren nur von den kurzfritigen Kursgewinnen.
      Das ganz ist nur eine Pushaktion.
      Niemand würde für dubiose Tips per Internet 1$ zahlen.

      Es sei denn man bekommt den Tip welche Aktie als nächstes gepusht wird wor allen anderen.

      schrieb am 09.10.01 23:16:01
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Was wir in Deutschland schon lange wussten, wird heute in den USA als Meldung veröffentlicht ! Wenns nur hilft !

      Energy Power Systems Limited Announces Listing On The Frankfurt Stock Exchange
      TUESDAY, OCTOBER 09, 2001 1:19 PM
      - BusinessWire

      TORONTO, Ontario, Oct 9, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Energy Power Systems Limited (OTCBB:EYPSF) ( ("Energy Power" or the "Company") announces that the Company`s application to trade the common shares of Energy Power Systems Limited on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in Germany has been accepted.

      EPS will be represented by one of the largest German "market makers", Berliner Effektengesellschaft AG. The trading symbol of Energy Power on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is EPW and the German security number (WKN). Energy Power`s, German CUSIP Number is 919384. By listing on Frankfurt (reportedly the third largest exchange in the world in terms of securities transactions) Europeans have a better opportunity to invest in Energy Power and trade its common shares.

      Also on September 28, 2001, 1,000,000 common share purchase warrants were exercised at $0.80 for proceeds of $800,000 which has been applied to general working capital.

      Energy Power Systems Limited is an integrated energy source and service company comprised of two divisions operating as an Oil & Gas Division and an Engineering and Offshore Division.

      The Company has approximately 7.3 million shares of common stock outstanding.

      Certain of the statements contained in this news release are forward-looking statements. While these statements reflect the Corporation`s current beliefs, they are subject to uncertainties and risks that could cause actual results to differ materially. These factors include, but are not limited to, the demand for the Corporation`s products and services, economic and competitive conditions, access to debt or equity capital on favorable terms, and other risks detailed in the Corporation`s Form 20-F and Annual Report.

      CONTACT: Energy Power Systems Limited
      Sandra Hall, 866/230-3305


      ausserdem gabs in Deutschland die letzten Tage immer geringen Handel !

      schrieb am 10.10.01 17:36:03
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      In Frankfurt auf 5,2€ bei 400St umsatz.

      Gruß spekulativ
      schrieb am 10.10.01 18:44:05
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      jo sieht ziemlich gut aus... :D
      schrieb am 10.10.01 21:16:55
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      und in den USA waren wir auch schon über 5 USD!
      Kann ruhig so weitergehen.

      schrieb am 15.10.01 23:39:40
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Energy Power Systems Limited Expands Oil & Gas Exploration With Multi Well Drilling Program
      THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2001 9:07 AM
      - BusinessWire

      TORONTO, Oct 11, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Energy Power Systems Limited (OTCBB:EYPSF) ( ("Energy Power" or the "Company") announces that a recent 3D seismic program in the Farrow Prospect, Alberta has identified a valley fill channel complex that covers approximately 1/2 a section of land (320 acres). Re-entry of a previously logged and cored well bore has now commenced to drill out cement plugs, complete and test the potential of 10 metres (approximately 32 feet) of oil pay in the Glauconite Channel. If successful the re-entry well could be first of a multi well program in the Farrow Prospect. Energy Power holds a 31.5% interest in the Farrow Prospect.

      Energy Power has now agreed to participate in an exploration program encompassing 6 sections of land (approximately 3840 acres) in the Olds area of Alberta (the Olds Prospect). The initial program will drill 3 prospective plays of 2 sections each (1280 acres) (a Test Well and an Earned Section). One well is a multi-zone natural gas prospect and the other two Test Wells are expected to be Viking gas by-pass pay zones. Drilling of the first Test Well is imminent and the other 2 Test Wells are anticipated to spud by the end of October. The Company has a 25% interest before payout and a 12.5% interest after payout in each of the Test Wells in the Olds Prospect and earns a 12.5% working interest (Earned Interest) in an additional land section by drilling each Test Well. If successful the program operator anticipates further drilling of the 3 Earned Sections in the new year.

      The Company has a 30% interest in a prospect in the Cherhill area of Alberta. The Cherhill Prospect indicates a 2.5 metre (approximately 8 feet) natural gas pay zone in the lower Belly River formation. The spudding of this well is also expected by the end of October.

      The multi well program is expected to cost up to $900,000 depending on completion costs and will be funded from current working capital.

      schrieb am 18.10.01 16:54:29
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Wie siehts aus habt Ihr Eure Gewinne schon mitgenommen oder rechnet Ihr mit weiteren Kursanstiegen?

      schrieb am 18.10.01 21:54:28
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      ja, bin bei 5,50 wieder raus. Waren schnelle 37,5 % ohne Spesen.

      Beobachte aber weiter, da der Wert nach unten bei 2,70 bis 3 USD abgesichert scheint.

      Vielleicht gehe ich noch mal rein.

      schrieb am 19.10.01 13:20:38
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      hier die nächste CHANCE:
      The Wall Street Alert

      Stock Symbol: OTC BB: UVCL
      Shares outstanding: 39,141,258
      Float (estimate) 1,400,000
      Rating: Strong Buy
      Current Price: $1.26
      12 Month Target Price: $13.20

      Cell phones have become the most reliable form of personal communication
      available today. Cell phones are no longer a luxury item - they are a
      necessity. UniverCell Holdings (OTC BB: UVCL), our current recommendation,
      offers international satellite and cell-phone rentals to business, leisure
      and student travelers for use while overseas. CNN`s Wall Street analyst,
      Chris Crisanni, stated on CNN "Telecom stocks are the best bet in coming
      months." The cell-phone rental industry is estimated to exceed $250 million
      annually. UniverCell is a strong, young company in the Telecom sector with
      an aggressive growth strategy.
      UniverCell provides a simple solution to travelers` concerns by offering
      a single wireless rental phone and phone number that works in more than 140
      countries. UniverCell offers international call forwarding from up to 10
      U.S. numbers, a US based toll-free number and a simple kit to transfer all
      of the traveler`s contacts from their personal phone to their rental phone.
      UniverCell offers all of these services at rates up to 60% less than their
      leading competitors.
      UniverCell Holdings, Inc. is a robust company that is focused on the
      international travel market and serves business, leisure and student
      travelers by providing international cell-phone rentals at the lowest
      possible price. UniverCell currently maintains 7.5% of the business market,
      7.8% of the leisure market and 15% of the student market overseas.
      UniverCell intends to increase these market shares as well as their
      profit margins through strategic agreements, mergers and acquisitions.
      UniverCell uses Motorola phones exclusively and they have agreements with
      hundreds of independent travel agencies whose business spans the globe.
      They also have an exclusive agreement with the French Tourist Board as
      well as pending agreements with American Express, TravelSavers and Omnitel,
      exclusive provider of cellular service in Italy.
      The cell-phone rental industry has a $2 billion potential within a 3-5
      year period; and, with increased dependence on cell-phones, UniverCell will
      take advantage of an increasing awareness among international travelers that
      a cell-phone can be easily rented for international use.
      UniverCell`s total projected revenues for 2002 are $20 million, an
      increase of more than 1200% over the 2001 projected revenue of $1.5 million,
      and by 2005 conservative projections put UniverCell`s revenue at $124
      million-total revenue growth of an additional 520% over 2002.
      1. UniverCell projects a 1200% revenue increase from $1.5 million in 2001
      $20 million in 2002.
      2. UniverCell exclusively uses Motorola phones, and is partnered with
      TraveLeaders, and hundreds of individual travel agencies.
      3. UniverCell has an exclusive agreement with the French Tourist Board as
      well as pending agreements with American Express, TravelSavers and OmniTel,
      the cellular network serving all of Italy.
      4. The global cellular rental phone industry is poised to explode to an
      estimated $2 billion in 3-5 years, and UniverCell currently has a 10.1%
      share of the market and intends to increase that share through mergers,
      acquisitions and advertising.
      5. DataQuest, an independent statistics firm, estimates that sales of
      cell-phones will exceed 600 million units by year-end 2001, a 217% increase
      over the 283 million units sold in 1999, becoming more and more integrated
      into the lives of international travelers.

      wieder vom selben - bounce :D

      (OTC BB: UVCL) :D

      greetz c0dex

      p.s. also 50% sind mindestens drinn ....
      schrieb am 22.10.01 23:24:54
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      also bleiben wir mal bei EYPSF.

      Habe ne gute Site im Netz der Netze gefunden und stelle den Bericht/Research mal hier ein.

      October 19, 2001

      OTC Journal Profile: Energy Power Systems LTD (OTC BB: EYPSF; Frankfurt Exchange: EPW)

      Stock Listing: OTC BB: EYPSF; Frankfurt Stock Exchange: EPW; WKN 919384
      Estimated Shares Issued and Outstanding: 7.3 million
      Estimated Public Float: 3.1 Million
      Closing Price and Volume: $3.67 on 156,400 shares
      Market Capitalization: $27 Million
      Fiscal 2001 Revenue: $19.5 million est (CDN)
      52 High and Low: $5.37/$1.79
      Average Daily Volume: 262,700 (last five days)
      Average Closing Price: $4.08 (last five days)
      Energy Power (OTC BB: EYPSF, Frankfurt: WKN 919384) is a vertically integrated Oil & Gas Exploration and Development Company and a Contractor of Infrastructure Projects operating as an OIL & GAS DIVISION and an ENGINEERING & OFFSHORE DIVISION. One division generates cash flow the other drives revenues and builds hard assets - both have exciting upside potential in this new era.
      Engineering and Offshore Division

      The Engineering and Offshore Division (M&M Engineering & Offshore) of Energy Power has been in business since 1968, and generates about $20 million in annual Revenues. M&M Engineering & Offshore is an industrial, mechanical and electrical contractor and its Offshore subsidiary produces steel components for structures and heavy industry; manufactures pressurized vessels and tanks; and provides in-plant fabrication, welding and assembly services for the offshore oil industry at its 40,000 square foot and 15 acre production yard in St. John’s, Newfoundland.

      Energy Power also owns a 147,000 square feet fully enclosed fabrication facility on 40 acres of land adjacent to a deep sea quay at Port aux Basques, Newfoundland along one of the major sea lanes of the world. The complex is ideal for both offshore and onshore work. Through this facility the company can offer large offshore infrastructure projects a variety of multi-metal fabrication, marine refurbishment and outfitting capabilities.

      There are a substantial number of new exploration projects being launched in M&M’s backyard by major oil companies. Joint ventures and outsourcing to local companies is the norm. M&M has been in business for over 30 years, and we expect them to capitalize on these new opportunities.

      The Newfoundland Transshipment Terminal pictured here, is one example of Energy Power’s M&M Engineering & Offshore Division work. Having successfully participated in constructing Phase One and Phase Two earlier this year, M&M received a contract to complete the mechanical installation of Phase III of the Newfoundland Transshipment Terminal.

      The tank capacity at this terminal is 2.5 million barrels of oil. Another storage tank is being added which will bring the capacity to 3 million barrels of storage. The Hibernia field alone is estimated to contain 850 million barrels of oil.

      Energy Power’s M&M Engineering and Offshore Division has numerous construction and fabrication projects underway. As recently as October 4th, 2001 it announced a $3.0 million contract from North Atlantic Refining Ltd., (NARL) to rebuild a process heater and associated structural steel fabrication and installation. NARL operates the 105,000 barrels per day refinery in Newfoundland, holds the largest refinery dock in North America and is only 3 sailing days from New York. The Engineering and Offshore Division is a steady operating division with strong growth potential for Energy Power and its shareholders and supports the basis of our strong buy recommendation for Energy Power (OTC BB: EYPSF; Frankfurt Stock Exchange: EPW; WKN 919384).

      Oil and Gas Division

      The Oil and Gas Division is the wild card which provides the exciting upside in this stock.

      In February the company announced they had acquired 25% interest in 1/2 million acres on Prince Edward Island (PEI). This property is located in the heart of Canada`s eastern oil and gas country. Click here to read the full text of the press release.

      According to an article in The New York Times dated September 7, 2000, Atlantic Canada could prove to be the next generation North Sea. Of the 11 oil fields larger than 100 million barrels discovered worldwide in the last 20 years, 4 have been off the coast of Atlantic Canada. Canada is the largest supplier of natural gas to the United States and America`s second largest supplier of oil. Exxon Mobil estimates the potential oil reserves of Eastern Canada to be 40 billion barrels. The natural gas reserves of Newfoundland Labrador alone are estimated at 62 trillion cubic feet, enough to energize more than 700 million homes in North America for a year. The Sable Offshore Energy Project off Nova Scotia is already pumping 500 million cubic feet a day of natural gas and lighting up New England.

      In an October 9, 2001 announcement, EOG Resources Inc, (NYSE: EOG) one of the largest independent oil and gas companies in the United States, revealed it would invest $50.0 million in a 12 well expenditure agreement with Corridor Resources to develop its McCully gas discovery. The McCully property is located on the New Brunswick side of the Confederation Bridge connecting Canada’s mainland to PEI and Energy Power`s PEI leases.
      Accomplishments in 2001

      In a difficult world market, Energy Power (OTC BB: EYPSF, Frankfurt: WKN 919384) has bucked the trend and appreciated substantially. The OTC Journal launched its original profile on the stock back on February 10th at $2.95. Today the stock is trading at $3.75, up 27% since February. During the same period of time the NASDAQ is down 33.5%, making this performance even more remarkable.

      The company has executed it business plan. Here are Energy Power`s Accomplishments in 2001:

      February 9th- Bought 25% interest in natural gas property on Prince Edward Island in Atlantic Canada.
      March 14th- Engineering and Offshore Division awarded contract on Newfoundland Transshipment Terminal.
      March 23rd- Company acquired additional interest in natural gas properties in Alberta and Ontario.
      April 27th- Company acquired interest in three more natural gas properties in Alberta.
      May 1st- Engineering and Offshore Division announces additional $3.0 million of infrastructure contracts.
      May 3rd- Company announces filing of application for listing on the American Stock Exchange.
      June 5th – Energy Power announces 3rd quarter financial – consolidated revenues $15.2 million and consolidated gross profits of $1.5 million.
      June 18th- Company announces acquiring of additional interest in Alberta properties.
      July 18th- Company announces $1.0 million summer drilling program.
      August 7th – Energy Power acquires additional interests in producing oil 7 gas property in Western Canada – Stock only acquisition enhances cash flow and strengthens EPS position
      September 11th- Company announces Ontario oil well going into production.
      October 4th - Engineering and Offshore Division gets another $3 million in contracts.
      October 9 – Energy Power announces listing on Frankfurt Stock Exchange (OTC BB: EYPSF, Frankfurt: WKN 919384)
      October 11 – Energy Power Expands Oil & Gas Exploration With Multi Well Drilling Program

      Pictured here is a map of Energy Power`s Alberta drilling property highlighted in the October 11th news release.


      An article which appeared on CBS Marketwatch earlier this year states the following:
      "With production from mature oil fields in the U.S. and western Canada slowing, Newfoundland`s Hibernia offshore oil field, Alberta`s oil sands, and massive natural gas reserves in northwestern Alberta and the Maritime provinces, not OPEC, are taking up the slack.
      The proximity of the U.S. eastern seaboard, and New York in particular, to the Hibernia, Hebron, Terra Nova and White Rose offshore oil fields -- with their recoverable reserves of 5.3 billion barrels, according to the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers -- ensures robust demand for years to come."

      By Martin Cej, Update: 3:18 PM ET Mar 15, 2001

      Energy Power stands to benefit greatly from the Bush Push to aggressively develop Canada`s untapped natural resources. This will help mitigate US dependence on overseas oil, and keep our energy supply under control.

      This company is executing its business plan and the stock has developed a prolific following. Any significant discovery by this company should yield much higher prices in the stock, and their Offshore and Engineering Division stands to benefit greatly by new multi-billion dollar offshore projects in Atlantic Canada.

      Scott Fraser, The Natural Contrarian and renown financial newsletter writer recommended an investment in shares of Energy Power at this time with a short-term goal of $6.00 and a longer term goal of $10 or higher.

      The editors of the OTC Journal also believe the stock is positioned for a short term move to $6 (60% return), with a longer term price target of $10 (166% return). The company is structured with both a production and exploration division along with a highly successful engineering and construction division. This unique combination provides a hedge against fluctuating commodity prices. Therefore, investors enjoy the upside potential of explosive new discoveries along with the downside protection of a steady revenue stream.

      In addition, the chart provides a picture of a stock positioned for higher levels. Throughout the year this stock`s low`s have been getting higher, and its highs are getting higher. Technically, this is a bullish pattern. As an additional bonus for investors, this stock is prone to large volume spikes to the upside, providing traders with exciting performance. Consider Energy Power Systems (OTC BB: EYPSF; Frankfurt Exchange: EPW, WKN 919384) for the risk/reward portion of your portfolio.

      da hier die Darstellung nicht so toll ist und etliche Bilder fehlen, die ich hier nicht noch einmontieren will, den Link zur Orginalsite:

      Der ganze Bericht klingt ja echt positiv und nach unten sollte EYPSF tatsächlich abgesichert sein.


      schrieb am 28.10.01 17:16:59
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()

      sieht ja ganz gut aus bei unseren EYPSF !! :D
      viele leute sind der meinung - dass da was im "Gebüsch" (zitat von clyde :D) ist...

      hier nochmal der chart (von miura) :)

      ...ein schoener chart!

      so dann lasst uns mal fleißug weiter diskutieren!

      greetz codex
      schrieb am 28.10.01 17:18:57
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      mal sehen was das listing in deutschland bringt!

      wenn es hier mal ab geht schnell rein und fix wieder raus :D a poar prozent gehn immer :laugh:

      weißt du warum der handel in canada ausgesetzt ist?

      nein, ich habe kein geld drin!

      schrieb am 28.10.01 17:33:16
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      also hier nochmal (fuer alle die in Deutschland handeln wollen) die Umsätze (seit Beginn des HYPES) :

      26.10.2001 4,60 4,60 4,40 4,40 560
      25.10.2001 4,30 4,30 4,30 4,30 0
      24.10.2001 4,30 4,45 4,30 4,40 300
      23.10.2001 4,00 4,60 4,00 4,60 0
      22.10.2001 4,00 4,40 4,00 4,20 600
      19.10.2001 4,10 4,10 4,10 4,10 0
      18.10.2001 4,80 4,80 4,80 4,80 0
      17.10.2001 4,80 4,80 4,80 4,80 350
      16.10.2001 4,60 5,20 4,60 5,00 2.080
      15.10.2001 4,40 4,50 4,40 4,50 0
      12.10.2001 5,20 5,20 4,65 4,65 200
      11.10.2001 5,40 5,70 5,20 5,20 2.910
      10.10.2001 4,50 5,20 4,50 5,00 900
      09.10.2001 4,00 4,50 4,00 4,40 625
      08.10.2001 3,95 4,10 3,95 4,00 300
      05.10.2001 3,40 4,10 3,40 3,85 740
      04.10.2001 2,60 2,60 2,60 2,60 0

      ...hier egibt sich nach wie vor das Problem - das wohl jeder auf einen SCHLAG identifizieren kann!


      WKN fuer den HANDEL in GER: 919384

      achja zusatz:

      fuer kunden der comdirect (ueber OTC) nicht HANDELBAR!!! - schweine....


      hier der UPMOVE in fse...


      warum der handel in canada ausgesetzt ist - weiß ich leider auch nicht - vielleicht bringt ja die naechste woche weitere news...

      greetz codex
      schrieb am 28.10.01 17:35:41
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Hi Codex,
      mußte mich erst mal schnell durch den Thread lesen,
      wie gesagt ich hatte seit der Empfehlung durch den
      OTCJournal Newsletter die Aktie nicht weiter verfolgt.

      Hört sich alles ganz interessant an :
      AMEX Listing wird angestrebt, :D kommt mir irgendwie
      bekannt vor. :confused:

      Outstanding 7.3 Millionen, sind für ein AMEX Listing
      nicht 15 Mio Public Float nötig ? Habe da soetwas in
      Erinnerung kann mich aber auch täuschen.

      Zum Chart hatte ich schon geschrieben : schöner Uptrend
      die letzten Tage, nur das Gap macht mir Sorgen.

      schrieb am 28.10.01 17:41:45
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Listing Guidelines for U.S. Companies

      Regular Financial Guidelines

      Pre-tax income $750,000 latest fiscal year or
      2 of most recent 3 fiscal years
      Market value of public float $3,000,000
      Price $3
      Operating history ---
      Stockholders` equity $4,000,000

      Alternate Financial Guidelines

      Pre-tax income ---
      Market value of public float $15,000,000
      Price $3
      Operating history 2 Years
      Stockholders` equity $4,000,000

      Distribution Guidelines
      (applicable to regular and alternate guidelines)

      Alternative 1

      Public float 500,000
      Public Stockholders 800
      Average daily volume ---

      Alternative 2

      Public float 1,000,000
      Public Stockholders 400
      Average daily volume ---

      Alternative 3

      Public float 500,000
      Public Stockholders 400
      Average daily volume 2,000

      Initial Public Offerings
      In certain circumstances, the Amex may approve an issue for listing "subject to official notice of issuance" immediately prior to effectiveness of the company`s initial public offering.

      While the Exchange has not adopted special criteria for IPOs, added emphasis is placed on the company`s financial strength and its demonstrated earnings history and/or outlook.

      Listing Guidelines for International Companies

      Regular Financial Guidelines

      Pre-tax income $750,000 latest fiscal year or
      2 of most recent 3 fiscal years
      Market value of public float $3,000,000
      Price $3
      Operating history ---
      Stockholders` equity $4,000,000

      Alternate Financial Guidelines

      Pre-tax income ---
      Market value of public float $15,000,000
      Price $3
      Operating history 2 Years
      Stockholders` equity $4,000,000

      Distribution Guidelines
      (applicable to regular and alternate guidelines)

      Alternative 1

      Public float 500,000
      Public Stockholders 800
      Average daily volume ---

      Alternative 2

      Public float 1,000,000
      Public Stockholders 400
      Average daily volume ---

      Alternative 3

      Public float 500,000
      Public Stockholders 400
      Average daily volume 2,000

      Alternative 4*

      Public float 1,000,000 Worldwide
      Public Stockholders 800 Worldwide**
      Average daily volume ---

      Initial Public Offerings
      In certain circumstances, the Amex may approve an issue for listing "subject to official notice of issuance" immediately prior to effectiveness of the company`s initial public offering.

      While the Exchange has not adopted special criteria for IPOs, added emphasis is placed on the company`s financial strength and its demonstrated earnings history and/or outlook.

      * Also requires at least $3,000,000 market value of public float held worldwide.
      ** Round-lot holders

      i hope this helps
      schrieb am 28.10.01 17:44:09
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      schrieb am 28.10.01 17:48:12
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Also ich will ja keine Werbung machen ... wollte auf und bin dabei auf gestossen, weil ich mich vertippt habe. Das wollte ich euch in einem Thread mitteilen, der sofort gelöscht wurde. Jetzt bin ich total verärgert. W:O ist das aller Letzte! Kampf dem Kommerz!
      schrieb am 28.10.01 17:49:18
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      ok ich geh erstma offline - seitdem mir die Monopolisten die Flatrate gekündigt haben - kostet eine stunde (plus mehrwertsteuer) ueber 2 DM :(

      naja schoenen sonntag noch! :)

      greetz c0dex
      schrieb am 28.10.01 18:15:49
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      @ osmax
      sei froh das w:o dich nicht gespeert haben.
      Das dürfen die nämlich bei spamming.

      @ Codex,Clyde danke für die Info´s werde jetzt mal meine
      Hausaufgaben bei EYPSF machen.

      Warum gehst du nicht zu Freenet, da kostet das ganze nur
      die Hälfte.

      schrieb am 29.10.01 13:46:04
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      Energy Power Systems scheint jetzt auch in Europa Vollgas zu geben, d.h. sie sind dabei, ihre Aktie ausserhalb Nordamerikas bekannt zu machen.

      Ich erhielt am Wochenende folgenden Report:
      24 hours ago I promised I would tell you the name of a stock which could
      make you very rich. Here it is...

      Energy Power Systems (EYPSF-OTCBB).

      I just told my elite subscribers to buy shares in Energy Power Systems
      (EYPSF-OTCBB), a stock that is going to skyrocket in the next 90 days.

      Later in this email I will tell you just how high it will go, but first let
      me remind you of my track record.

      My last 3 oil and gas stock picks made 660%, 230%, and 915%. In fact, I am
      receiving constant "thank you" emails from my followers who have become
      multi-millionaires buying and selling my oil and gas stock picks over the
      last several months.

      Just think how your stock portfolio would look today if you had:

      * bought shares in Pennaco at $2.50 and sold at $19
      * took a position in Atlas Pipelines..before it lept over 230%
      * purchased Ultra Petroleum 11 months before it shot-up 915%

      In fact, if you had been one of my elite subscribers you would have made
      vast profits on Pennaco, Atlas and Ultra - plus you would have racked up 14
      triple-digit stock gains back-to-back!

      Yes, my oil and gas stock picks have become legendary.

      Yes, hundreds of my followers have become MULTI-MILLIONAIRES.

      Yes, my oil and gas picks have yielded over 1,805% combined returns.

      But forget all that and simply remember one thing...Energy Power Systems
      (EYPSF - OTCBB) may become my TOP performing oil and gas stock of ALL TIME!

      As you know, I only reveal my top stock picks to my elite circle of paid
      subscribers... people who pay me more than one thousand dollars for my

      But here is why I am telling you. I want you to promise you will use some of
      your profits to become one of my paid subscribers.

      My proven system for predicting oil and gas winners has determined that
      Energy Power Systems (EYPSF-OTCBB) will increase from its current price of
      less than $3 and reach AT LEAST $6 within the next 90 days - and then go

      Exactly the same thing happened 2 years ago when I told my subscribers to
      buy Pennaco Energy. At that time, no one on Wall Street had heard of this
      undiscovered Bulletin Board oil and gas stock. But within months, the share
      price was sent hurtling upward over 660%, as the major mutual funds and
      investment institutions engaged in a "Buying Frenzy".

      Within weeks, my subscribers took massive profits when Pennaco Energy was
      bought-out at $19 per share.

      The same thing is poised to happen with Energy Power Systems.

      In fact EYPSF has amazing similarities to Pennaco. Both stocks exhibit the 7
      Proven Characteristics I look for in all my oil and gas stock picks:

      * prequalified for a senior listing on Amex
      * being aggressively pursued by institutional buyers
      * triple-digit expansion of net tangible assets during trailing 12 month
      * new drilling technology that will turn its properties into profit
      * stock price at massive discount compared to industry average
      * currently owns oil and gas properties in rich and proven oil and gas
      reserve areas
      * in the acquisition cross-hairs of major oil industry titans

      What makes Energy Power Systems (EYPSF) even more compelling is this:

      We will profit REGARDLESS of whether the price of oil goes up or down! The
      company`s oil and gas services division is a Cash-Cow, bringing in monster
      revenues - day in and day out!

      But the REAL excitement is going to happen when EYPSF hits new drill targets
      in an area jam-packed with huge oil and gas reserves. A single hit could
      send the asset value of this company up by a factor of 1,000%!

      The major heavyweights on Wall Street are on the verge of realizing that
      Energy Power Systems (EYPSF) has:

      * sales of $18 million...and going higher
      * pending Amex listing...a transition to a senior listing
      * active producing wells...with proven reserves
      * over $7.5 million in orders...and more on the way
      * 50% revenue increase forecast for coming fiscal year

      Just like Pennaco, Atlas and Ultra, this stock is poised to make my
      subscribers a fortune!

      You may have missed out on all my other winners. While my elite subscribers
      were getting rich off Pennaco Energy, Atlas Pipelines, and Ultra Petroleum,
      you were getting left behind.


      I am giving you this opportunity to get rich. TAKE IT.

      Buy shares in EYPSF now, and let the torrent of Wall Street mutual funds
      propel your share price HIGHER.

      Your window of opportunity is very limited...NEWS is breaking which my
      sources tell me is expected to send the share price of EYPSF leaping upward
      in the near term.

      This is a gift I am giving you. I suggest you take it. You may never see
      another stock-profit opportunity of this magnitude. Buy shares in EYPSF
      while you can still afford them.

      WARNING: I insist that you take partial profits when (not if) the share
      price of EYPSF hits $6 per share. Let the remainder of your position ride
      the wave of institutional buying which will propel the share price even



      * your stock portfolio needs a winner...

      * you deserve a 117% gainer

      * you don`t want to miss out while the select savvy few get RICH

      Pick up the phone and call your broker now. Or better yet, go online and
      purchase your shares through your discount brokerage.

      And get ready to make a fortune.

      Sincerely on the Contrary,

      Scott S. Fraser
      Editor, The Natural Contrarian
      Best-Selling Author
      Award-Winning Investment Editor
      2-Time Winner of the McPartland Shepherd Award for Investment Excellence
      ON24 Contributing Analyst

      PS - remember to reserve $1,000 of your EYPSF profits for your paid
      subscription to my elite investment service

      Weiter ist EPS jetzt als Aktie im Fokus bei und als coming soon bei erschienen.

      Die Umsätze in Frankfurt steigen langsam an und der Wert hält sich ziemlich stabil um die 4$.

      Was meint ihr, wird die Aktie noch weiter "sky-rocken"?
      schrieb am 29.10.01 14:32:44
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Zur Frage des "Halt" an der canadischen Bötse erhielt ich dei Info von Chef das 99% des Handels über die OTCBB abgewickelt wurden und man die canadische Börse "stillgelegt" hat! sie peporten aber weiterhin auf

      Leider habe ich den Prginaltext nicht mehr, da gestern mein PC crashte! :(

      schrieb am 30.10.01 14:07:14
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()

      das was du gepostet hast - ist doch schon ein alter hut - die mail haben alle FRT-User bekommen - somit auch ich und viele andere...

      die fakten in deinem post - stehen schon am thread anfang - 1.posting - aber nix fuer ungut!

      aktueller kurs 4,3€

      noch nicht kaufen - erst auf ein signal aus den USA warten... das niveau ist etwas zu hoch!

      greetz codex
      schrieb am 30.10.01 16:04:59
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Zur Frage des "Halt" am CDNX erhielt ich folgendes Statement von EPS` CEO:

      "Energy Power voluntarily requested to be delisted from CDNX because 99% of the trading market for EPS is in the United States on the NASD Bulletin Board symbol EYPSF. Energy Power is still "in good standing" and still reports to the Ontario Securities Commission in Canada. Energy Power also reports to the SEC and is in "good standing" with the SEC. Energy Power is in the process of an American Stock Exchange listing application. CDNX is the most junior trading market in Canada. Subsequent to listing on AMEX, Energy Power may make use of reciprocal relationships between AMEX and the Toronto Stock Exchange to continue a trading market in Canada."

      Demnach kein Grund zur Besorgnis...
      schrieb am 30.10.01 16:14:52
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      bei einem listing an der amex -> kaufe ich :)
      schrieb am 31.10.01 01:28:30
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      EYPSF gefällt mir immer besser!

      Aufgrund der Komplexität der Unternehmens ergeben sich schöne Chancen!

      Neue Vorkommen können über die firmeneigenen Betriebe kostengünstig erschlossen werden! Da man in keinem Projekt alleine ist werden Arbeiten des Zulieferbereichs von EYPSF von anderen Firmen mitfinanziert, was wieder EYPSF selbst zu Gute kommt!

      man verdient praktisch doppelt!

      schrieb am 08.11.01 18:40:17
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      EYPSF steigt schön kontinuierlich in der letzten Zeit!

      schrieb am 09.11.01 22:47:53
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      schrieb am 09.11.01 23:02:45
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Wieder über 5$ mit einen gesunden + von 6%! Umsatz in Ordung mit über Mil gehandelten Aktien!

      schrieb am 09.11.01 23:29:38
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      schrieb am 11.11.01 08:28:18
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      Energy Power, one of main focus stocks for 2001, is trading back near
      its all time highs on huge volume. EYPSF traded 2.158 million shares
      yesterday, and closed at $5.05, up 6%.

      Back on October 11th the stock hit an intraday high of $5.37, only to
      pull back into the high $3 range.

      We have received a number of emails from members wondering what`s up.
      We have no new information to explain the exciting activity in the

      When we published our original profile back on February 12th we set a
      price target of $5.60 for the ensuing 12 month period. On October 12th
      we published a revised profile updated to reflect corporate progress
      and recap accomplishments for the year. Click Here if you wish to
      review the updated profile.

      Investors should monitor the stock closely. A high volume break above
      the previous high of $5.37 would be extremely bullish, and may push
      the stock past our $5.60 target, challenging the $6 level.

      The OTC Journal has published 30 editions covering this stock since
      February, and if you don`t own it you have missed our biggest winner
      during a tough year. The stock is up 71% from the price on profile
      release date, and we hope you are enjoying the ride.
      schrieb am 14.11.01 16:09:08
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      zwei Meldungen ohne weitere Kommentare Releases Report On Energy Power Systems Limited
      TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2001 2:01 PM
      - Internet Wire Releases Report On Energy Power Systems Limited

      LOS ANGELES, CA, Nov 13, 2001 (INTERNET WIRE via COMTEX) -- releases report of Energy Power Systems . This report profiles Stocklemon`s analysis of price action and movement as of recent date.

      The report is available at . is a free site that profiles companies on the OTC BB marketplace. The principles of often do have positions that are consistent with the report that is being presented. No employee of is a chartered financial analyst or a licensed investment advisor. For more detail please read the disclosure section on

      und jetzt die zweite:

      Energy Power Systems Limited - Announcement
      TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2001 8:34 PM
      - BusinessWire

      Energy Power Systems Limited - Announcement

      TORONTO, Nov 13, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Energy Power Systems Limited () ("Energy Power" or the "Company") announces that it has issued audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2001. These statements reflect the following activities of Energy Power and it`s subsidiaries operating as an Engineering & Offshore Division and an Oil & Gas Division:

      Energy Power`s consolidated revenues of $19.2 million for the year ending June 30, 2001 increased by 1% from $18.9 million reported during the same period the previous year. Increased activity from the Company`s Engineering and Offshore Division and new sources of revenue from the Company`s Oil and Gas Division, which commenced February 1, 2001, contributed to this revenue growth.

      Consolidated EBITDA of $0.2 million for the twelve-month period ending June 30, 2001 was substantially higher against a consolidated EBITDA loss of $0.3 million reported for the previous twelve month period, a swing of $0.5 million. The consolidated EBITDA increase was largely due to the benefits of a corporate restructuring initiated at the end of fiscal 2000 as well as the additional cash flow from the introduction of the Oil and Gas Division. "It was our corporate objective at the end of last year to turn the Company cash flow positive this fiscal year," stated Scott Hargreaves CFO, "to achieve this we eliminated two non-core subsidiaries and created the Oil & Gas Division. We are most pleased with the positive trending improvement in cash flow as EBITDA increased $0.5 million for the twelve month period ending June 30, 2001."

      Consolidated loss from continuing operations for the twelve month period ending June 30, 2001 was $1.0 million, 29% less than the loss from continuing operations reported for the previous twelve month period. Profit from continuing operations would have been $0.5 million before a non-cash charge of $1.5 million.

      The Engineering and Offshore Division is currently working on a backlog of contracts to carry over the next fiscal year and beyond. Further development of Atlantic Canada`s offshore infrastructure could feed further growth for the Engineering and Offshore Division. In addition the Oil and Gas Division is adding positive cash flow to fund corporate operations and future development and growth strategies. At present the Company is expanding its exploration, drilling and development program to increase oil & gas reserves and production.

      Heute scheint es zu ersten Gewinnmitnahmen zu kommen.

      schrieb am 14.11.01 16:29:45
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      ich habe mal die Analyse von gelesen.

      Das macht allerdings höchst nachdenklich und erinnert mich wieder mal an den relativ unregulierten OTC-Market.

      Obs stimmt oder nicht muss man sehen. Auf jeden Fall sollte sich jeder hier das mal durchlesen, deshalb kopiere ich die Meldung hier rein.

      Stock Lemon report on Energy Power Systems (EYPSF)

      Caveat Emptor

      The most active stock as of late on the OTC BB has been Energy Power Systems (EYPSF). In this report we try to uncover the reasons behind the big move and volume as of late. We will not attempt to analyze their business, as it is too difficult to get a grasp on without new filings and it is not easy to gather information. Instead, we will look at the situations and individuals surrounding this stock and allow you to draw your own conclusions.

      We anxiously await the company’s financial reports this week so we can find out the truth to these imposing questions:

      1. How many shares are outstanding?

      2. How much money does this company have?

      3. How much money is the company losing?

      4. What are the company’s revenues?

      None of the sites that are touting EYPSF discuss these four questions. Why not? Is there something to hide? How can you write buy side research without even knowing the true market cap of the company?

      The CEO of EYPSF is a gentleman by the name of Jim Cassina. After a brief conversation with Mr. Cassina, we were more confused then before we called. He told us that he has extensive experience in the oil and gas business. However, their website never lists any of his previous positions. Moreover, on Multex Investorä, we read that Mr. Cassina has spent the previous 5 years as an independent business consultant and President of Core Financial Enterprises, which again we could find no information. Mr. Cassina quickly hung up the phone on us as soon as he felt uncomfortable answering questions about his business.

      If you are an individual investor, odds are you discovered this stock from one of the many stock promotion sites that are behind EYPSF. The reason we speculate that the recent increase in volume is because of promotion, rather than substance, is simply because the company has not put out any news within the past two weeks. Only promotion sites can generate such interest in an oil and gas exploration stock. These sites may include The Natural Contrarian, which is discussed throughout this report, or it may be OTC, which in its words lets you, "Discover Tomorrows Winners", judging by their previous picks, which include such stocks as NTUN, XMLG, and JAWS, they should change their tagline to "Discovering Tomorrows Dogs". EYPSF has also been profiled by and

      A buy recommendation was actually put on the stock by Willow Cove Investments. The last stock that we could find that they put a recommendation on is NTWK that was profiled in April of 2001 while the stock was trading around the $4-5 range. These days, NTWK trades less than .25, that is twenty-five cents.

      So how does Mr. Cassina orchestrate such a mass promotion of his stock? This is where it gets interesting. Mr. Cassina was a former director of As a matter of fact, the address of was the exact same address as EYPSF. Sandra Hall, the VP of EYPSF was also an officer and director of It was not until stock went to pennies that they changed the name to API Electronics Group. Perhaps, Mr. Cassina used some of his experience and contacts in his former business to transfer to his current business. When asked about this in a phone conversation Mr. Cassina simply responded, "Investorlinks is no longer Investorlinks."

      Now, let’s review the information put forward by the Scott Fraser’s mass email

      The email from Scott Fraser is fraudulent and Misleading

      Within the email, Mr. Fraser mentions "I insist that you take partial profits when (not if) the share price of EYPSF hits $6 per share." This statement guarantees profits and is not consistent with a respected analyst. Mr. Fraser should retract that statement immediately

      Prequalified for a senior listing on the AMEX is Misleading

      This is like getting one of those brochures in the mail that prequalifies you for a credit card, then when you read the fine print you realize that it is contingent on your credit history. The CEO of the company told us that all the company has done is submit an application to AMEX. That is it. Any company can do it and it does not guarantee any listing.

      Aggressively pursued by institutional buyers is Misleading

      Jim Cassina would not tell us any institutions that have term sheets on the table with EYPSF. Also, what does this mean? Are the institutional buyers interested in the stock, the products of the company, or the company as a whole? That statement is as nebulous as the rest of the report.

      Scott Fraser gives his credentials as a 2-time winner of the McPartland Shepherd award for Investment excellence. Upon a search for this award on three search engines…we found nothing on what this award is or who gives it out. Furthermore, he is not listed on the On24 Website as a columnist or analyst. After a phone call with On24 we found out that they do have a casual relationship with him yet they were appalled when they heard of the boisterous claims made in Mr. Fraser’s email campaign. Watch out Scott Fraser. As for best selling, well, that term is as imprecise as his reports

      Corporate Website

      The corporate web page of EYPSF is a telling sign of their true business. We have never seen a company tout their own stock on the investor relation’s link until now. On the investor relations there is a quote from Money Magazine about the oil services business that discusses Schlomberger. Well, Mr. Cassina, we have read Schlomberger balance sheet and looked at their company and let me tell you one thing…. EYPSF is no Schlomberger. Making this analogy is much like with the rest of the propaganda of this company…Misleading.

      Unlike Mr. Fraser, we do not want your $1,000, we just want you to know the truth

      It must be noted that we have not analyzed the true business and crunched the numbers of this company. We have only reviewed the promotion of the company along with the previous experiences of the players in this promotion. Perhaps, EYPSF does have a business, perhaps they are an investment worthy company. But if this were the case, they got the wrong people to get the message out.


      We recommend that you do your homework and read the financials and speak to the management and get a true idea of what their business is before you invest. We recommend that you immediately disregard all promotion, as they are mostly hype with no substance. Most of all, we recommend you speak to a registered investment advisor and get his/her recommendation before you purchase any OTC security.

      So long und weiterhin viel Erfolg.

      schrieb am 10.12.01 17:59:58
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()

      aufwärtstrend weiterhin intakt! - sieht gut aus :)

      greetz codex
      schrieb am 09.03.02 20:13:42
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      keiner mehr da ?

      schrieb am 27.06.02 22:40:44
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      obwohl EGY sogar in den AMEX aufgenommen wurde und den "Zockermarkt" OTC BB verlassen hat, hilft dem Kurs nicht viel weiter. Auf jeden Fall sehen wir zur Zeit deutliche 52-Wochen -Tiefst-Stände. Warum ? Finde keine Meldungen.

      Ist noch jemand dabei aus der Zeit von 5 - 6 Euro ?


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      Energy Power Systems (EYPSF-OTC) - skyrocket in the next 90 days!!?